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Saudi Red Sea Authority With New ‘More Than One Sea’ Campaign

The Saudi Red Sea Authority campaign supports attracting new investments, creating new tourism experiences, and promoting sustainability.
Article Summary:
  • The Saudi Red Sea Authority (SRSA) launches its new “More Than One Sea” campaign in support of four main pillars relevant to its role.
  • The four key pillars are related to attracting investments, regulations, promoting new Red Sea tourism experiences, and sustainability.
  • The new campaign underscores the Saudi authorities’ broader goal of diversifying its economy away from petroleum wealth and welcoming at least 150 million visitors yearly by 2030.

The Saudi Red Sea Authority (SRSA) has launched a campaign to support its promotion of coastal tourism in Saudi Arabia.

With the name “More Than a Sea,” the campaign aims to support four pillars relevant to the SRSA’s role.  These are the four key pillars of attracting investments, regulations, promoting new Red Sea tourism experiences, and sustainability. These pillars work hand-in-hand to solidify the Saudi Red Sea Authority’s contribution to establishing a robust coastal tourism sector.

The Saudi Red Sea Authority’s new campaign

The “More Than a Sea” campaign focuses on the Saudi Red Sea Authority’s regulatory responsibilities. These cover creating policies, strategies, plans, programs, and projects relevant to the regulation of maritime and navigation activities. In addition, these also cover the issuance of licenses and permits, as well as ensuring infrastructure is available for maritime activities.

Because of the one-of-a-kind attractions along the Red Sea, it creates an enticing environment for the kingdom to attract investors. Its wealth of landscapes, marine wonders, and heritage contribute to making the Red Sea an ideal location for ocean lovers.

They can also enjoy activities such as swimming, diving, snorkeling, recreational fishing, or riding cruise ships or yachts. These activities include Red Sea Global’s partnership with the Saudi Climbing and Hiking Federation and the 2025 Red Sea Marathon. Apart from these partnerships and tourist attractions, there is also a population of seven million supporting coastal tourism.

The new campaign also covers sustainability efforts through working with the government and private sector to protect the marine environment. In addition, the campaign highlights how SRSA promotes the growth of the blue economy and the production of nautical maps.

The “blue economy” is the “sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods, and jobs.” All these while preserving the health of the ocean ecosystem.

The nautical maps, meanwhile, will be used to plot safe routes and promote the protection of coral reefs. This also covers the management of marine waste, the installation of buoys, and the construction of weather stations.

About the Red Sea

The Red Sea is home to more than 1,000 islands, 150 beaches, and 130 biological, cultural, and historical gems. It has more than 500 diving sites, 20 blue holes, and more than 50 Saudi traditional dishes.

These efforts by the Saudi Red Sea Authority underscore the broader strategy of the Saudi government to attract at least 150 million visitors yearly by the year 2030.

Moreover, it also helps authorities by diversifying its economy away from petroleum wealth. By 2030, SRSA aims to contribute SAR 85 million to the GDP and increase spending to SAR 123 billion. In addition, it also aims to generate 210,000 jobs by the same year.

Photo by NEOM on Unsplash